Chinese VAT Electronic Invoice application deadline: May 17, 2024 (FOR RMB PAYMENT ONLY).
Please log in to MyChinaplas to obtain the receipt and/or apply for a Chinese VAT Electronic invoice.
VAT Electronic Invoice will be issued and sent to visitors' registered mobile number and email within 3 days once the application is completed, or visitor can log in to MyChinaplas to download it.
For inquiries on pre-registration, payment methods or payment issues, please contact us via
Ticket Discount: Early bird discount for a Multi-Day Pass at RMB ¥50 or USD $7.5 (Original Price: RMB ¥80)
Fast Admission: Receive your Visitor eBadge/Confirmation Letter in advance.
Privileges Account: By using the “MyCHINAPLAS” online platform, you can attend online and offline events in one click, bookmark your interested exhibitors, enjoy sourcing requirements submission and suppliers matching, create personal visiting routes, join gift-away campaigns, and so much more.